Amazing AussieDoodles
of SoCAL
Remi & Leo's Litter Testimonies
he had good little naps on the way home, then had her burst of energy! Keep sending any tips our way. Ferguson is an absolute delight. We have loved having her join our family.

She is getting so big and is incredibly smart! She knows sit, down, stay, shake, roll over, and middle! We are having the best time with her, she really enjoyed the snow day!
I’m sure everyone feels this way, but I think I got the best puppy in the litter!
Just a little note that Peet is growing and is perfect. He walked for 7 miles with me today

I’ll send you pictures periodically Yes we love her. She loves the water. Our son is in love with Lucy and we are over the moon. She loves swimming in the pool! She is doing so well.
A couple snaps from my bed, where she’s slept with me both nights. Loves her crate but haven’t confined her to it at all. Amazingly while I was cooking dinner last night she took it upon herself to use the dog door (first time going OUT it as there’s a couple steps down outside) in the dark and did #2. And this morning when we woke up she immediately zoomed to the dog door again to go #2 again! She now goes in and out during her energy bursts. I can’t believe how smart she is!! I’ve got grass inside she’s been peeing on, but I’ll probably remove it today and see if she can do 100% dog door outside potties She also doesn’t mind her harness at all. She’s been on several walks (including this morning) and done so well. I keep the harness on for an hour or so after just to get her used to it and she doesn’t even seem to notice or care you did a great job before she came home, made my job super easy, but she really is smart! No more fake grass indoors. She’s 100% outdoor potty with dog door.

Blue is doing great! He’s such a love. Feel free to follow me on Instagram for pics. We’re all obsessed. Blue is doing great, he is funny and sweet. I swear he's like a little human! His eyes are still so Blue!
Bodi is an amazing lake dog! He is such a great dog! Bodi goes to the sliding door when he wants to go to the bathroom on the grass. It's amazing how he came potty trained. Thank you for all the effort and love that has gone into him. Bodi is the best.
This is his new color at 8 months old. Sound asleep on the coach and he thinks he is a small dog. Took this tonight. He is loved. He knows how to play volleyball with the kids in the pool, loves the water and does everything with us. He takes boat rides and goes on the water raft. He is the best dog ever!

Watched the sunset with Elvis the other day. He’s doing amazing and he is so smart. I realized that he learns best when affection is the reward. If I give him a hug after doing a command, he gets it in 3-4 iterations haha. Taught him how to do all the obstacles at the agility course dog park next to me that way in 20 min. When do you think is the best time to neuter him? Vet was saying 7 months but sounds too early to me so wanted to get your recommendation. Thanks for bringing Elvis into my life and I hope you’re doing great
Aspen & Elvis
We got them together! They were playing for 2 hours straight and loved it. They immediately recognized each other. Also, I started calling him Elvis a few days after bringing him home. Tango had something to do with the Marines that I realized I didn’t want to be reminded of. He’s doing amazing, almost completely potty trained. He will stand by the door and whine anytime he has to go out. I am SO impressed that he learned that so quick. I’m also taking him to the zoom room that you recommended tomorrow morning for puppy preschool!